Mihail Radu Solcan

  Romanian experimental dictionary for aspell

This is an old page! (See new notes here)!

Notes and screenshots

First, you should read the aspell documentation. This documentation is available online.

Please note that what you download from this site is the source of a Romanian dictionary for aspell. You must build and install this source.

I suppose that you have installed aspell. Get the archive of the Romanian dictionary and extract the files in an empty folder. Under Linux, use the following command in order to build the master Romanian dictionary:

aspell --lang=ro create master ./ro.rws < ro.wl

Copy in /usr/lib/aspell-0.60 (or in the adequate folders of your version of aspell) the following files:

ro_affix.dat ro.dat ro.rws ro.multi

Now let's say that I want to check a file named "index.html"; use the following command:

aspell --lang ro -c index.html

In a KDE console one sees an image like this:

This means that the Romanian dictionary is installed.

Let's see now some details. There are some problems that might bother you. Pay attention, for example, to encoding. On my Fedora Core 3 UTF-8 is the default encoding. If a file is in the ISO8859-2 encoding, some Romanian characters are NOT shown in the console. Aspell can read a file in the UTF-8 encoding. The Romanian wordlist however is in the ISO8859-2 encoding. This is so for internal reasons in aspell. At least, on Fedora Core 3, aspell-0.60.3 works only in this way.

You need the iconv utility in order to switch between file encodings. Download and install GNU libiconv. Use such a command in order to create a wordlist in UTF-8 encoding:

iconv -f ISO8859-2 -t UTF-8 ro.wl > ro-utf8.wl

The Windows version of iconv is available in the project GnuWin32. Check to see if you need other utilities or libraries from the GnuWin32 project.

You may open and modify the wordlist with the help of an editor. The following image shows the word list in Vim.

The ro.wl file has TWO columns! On the first column it is the wordlist. The slash separates the two columns. In the second column there are flags. You may understand easily the role of the flags with the help of commands issued in a console. See the next image for these commands.

The flags are defined in the ro_affix.dat file.