// Created by Mihail-Radu Solcan, <solcan@fil.unibuc.ro> (C)GPL 2006

default partial hidden alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {

    // Based on the Latin layout
    // Romanian letters and quotation marks modify only seven main keys
    // US original keys available with AltGr

    name[Group1]="Romanian for US-keyboard";

    // Alphanumeric section
    key <TLDE> {  [  grave,   asciitilde, dead_grave ,   dead_tilde    ]};
    key <AE01> {  [     1 ,   exclam ,    dead_acute ,   exclamdown    ]};
    key <AE02> {  [     2 ,   at    ,     dead_abovering,caron         ]};
    key <AE03> {  [     3 ,   numbersign, dead_diaeresis,macron        ]};
    key <AE04> {  [     4 ,   dollar ,    dead_doubleacute,sterling    ]};
    key <AE05> {  [     5 ,   percent ,   EuroSign ,     kra           ]};
    key <AE06> {  [     6 ,   asciicircum,dead_circumflex,division     ]};
    key <AE07> {  [     7 ,   ampersand , dead_abovedot, openstar      ]};
    key <AE08> {  [     8 ,   asterisk,   multiply ,     periodcentered]};
    key <AE09> {  [     9 ,   parenleft,  dead_ogonek ,  emfilledrect  ]};
    key <AE10> {  [     0 ,   parenright, dead_cedilla,  degree        ]};
    key <AE11> {  [  minus,   underscore, dead_macron,   emopenrectangle]};
    key <AE12> {  [  equal,   plus ,      dead_caron,    plusminus     ]};

    key <AD01> {  [    q,  Q , guillemotleft ,     therefore           ]};
    key <AD02> {  [    w , W , guillemotright ,    Greek_OMEGA         ]};
    key <AD03> {  [    e,  E , eacute ,            egrave              ]};
    key <AD04> {  [    r,  R , registered ,        infinity            ]};
    key <AD05> {  [    t,  T , trademark ,         intersection        ]};
    key <AD06> {  [    y,  Y , yen ,               union               ]};
    key <AD07> {  [    u,  U , udiaeresis ,        Udiaeresis          ]};
    key <AD08> {  [    i,  I , implies ,           idotless            ]};
    key <AD09> {  [    o,  O , odiaeresis ,        Odiaeresis          ]};
    key <AD10> {  [    p,  P , paragraph ,         Greek_pi            ]};
    key <AD11> {  [ abreve , Abreve ,  bracketleft  ,    braceleft     ]};
    key <AD12> {  [ icircumflex , Icircumflex , bracketright,braceright]};

    key <AC01> {  [    a,  A , aacute ,            agrave              ]};
    key <AC02> {  [    s,  S , ssharp ,            section             ]};
    key <AC03> {  [    d,  D , emdash ,            malesymbol          ]};
    key <AC04> {  [    f,  F , endash ,            femalesymbol        ]};
    key <AC05> {  [    g,  G , ellipsis ,          includes            ]};
    key <AC06> {  [    h,  H , leftarrow ,         includedin          ]};
    key <AC07> {  [    j,  J , rightarrow ,        ifonlyif            ]};
    key <AC08> {  [    k,  K , hyphen ,            function            ]};
    key <AC09> {  [    l,  L , lstroke ,           Lstroke             ]};
    key <AC10> {  [ scedilla, Scedilla ,  semicolon ,  colon           ]};
    key <AC11> {  [ tcedilla, Tcedilla ,  apostrophe ,   quotedbl      ]};

    key <AB01> {  [    z,  Z , adiaeresis,         Adiaeresis          ]};
    key <AB02> {  [    x,  X , notsign ,           notequal            ]};
    key <AB03> {  [    c,  C , copyright ,         ccedilla            ]};
    key <AB04> {  [    v,  V , logicalor ,         diamond             ]};
    key <AB05> {  [    b,  B , logicaland ,        horizlinescan5      ]};
    key <AB06> {  [    n,  N, singlelowquotemark, leftsinglequotemark ]};
    key <AB07> {  [    m,  M, doublelowquotemark, leftdoublequotemark  ]};
    key <AB08> {  [ comma , doublelowquotemark, singlelowquotemark,less]};
    key <AB09> {  [ period,rightdoublequotemark,leftsinglequotemark,greater]};
    key <AB10> {  [    slash , question, questiondown ,  vertbar       ]};
    key <BKSL> {  [ acircumflex, Acircumflex , backslash , bar         ]};
    key <SPCE>  { [  space,     space,  emspace ,   nobreakspace       ]};

    include "level3(ralt_switch_multikey)"